Wednesday 28 December 2011

The Magic Room - A Blog Her Book Review

This is a Blog Her Book Club paid review of The Magic Room by Jeffery Zaslow.  The opinions expressed here, however, are mine.

Every single woman including myself have at one point in time dreamed of what their wedding dress will look like. Some like me have drawn it out and just waiting for the day the right man would ask their hand in marriage. 

The book, TheMagic Room, tells a compelling story of three generation of women in Michigan who have succeeded in turning many ducklings into swans through the art of choosing the right dress for the bride since the1930's.

A very inspirational and emotional book, that focuses not only on the physical attributes of these brides but also on their inner workings regarding their upcoming wedding.  As each of these brides stepped into their chosen dress and gaze into the mirror-they not only see how radiant they look but how far they have come. The feelings of pain, love, grief, loss, tears, and lateness-all of these resound not only in their thought but also within those around them.  A simple fact is stated through this- love and marriage is magical.

This book cannot be read and easily discarded because the message in it is deep. The message is rooted in determination for success, continuity, empowerment and love. For 70 years, the Becker’s Bridal’s have survived the ever changing economic tides and fashion trends.

After my reading, I am especially drawn to the Otto girl’s story and their unconventional willpower. A lot can be said about the different stories and the way it is told is very enthralling. There was a point where I could not help but cry as I read and share in each of these women stories.

I totally enjoyed reading this book. It gave me a chance to see into the minds of various women on the brink of commitment, the joy that comes with finding the perfect dress and the essential role of a mother in all these. I highly recommend this book to all women and fathers of daughters.   

Friday 23 December 2011

In the Spirit of Cristmas

I had to change my look. What better way to do it than to have a good hairdo. Therefore I have decided to treat myself to a nice look for Christmas. Not by going to the salon but by taking a shortcut and getting myself a new wig to camouflage the old me into a new me. Lets hope it looks as good as it does on the dummy. I will be disclosing my new look tomorrow- the eve of Christmas. 

Until then...c u soonest!!!1

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Quick Christmas Gifts Solutions

Seasons Greetings!
I have been out of blogging for a while. Now I am back.

I got the inspiration for this lovely crocheted scarf from Here :)

It was really fast, easy and fun to make.

Here is my version......
 Inspiration vs recreation.....!

In Gift mode....
 Ready, Set and ...
 One last look...
 and I just couldn't resist trying it on! ;-)
For instruction visit Craftstylish