Thursday 28 July 2022

Small Business Visibility versus Availability

Running a business involves a lot of tactics. You must constantly be on top of your game because your competitor is not on Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp to play. Every business owner is out to make money and profit. 

On of the surest way of selling in your physical shop and online shop is that  you must never stop promoting your business because you  never know who might be in need of your products or services.
Promoting your business is giving your business visibility. Visibility  makes your buyers know what you have to offer them and how to reach you when they want to buy.

Visibility can only bring customers, it is not enough to convince them to buy. What convinces your prospective customer to buy from you is your capacity to be AVAILABLE. 
When you are available to attend to customers enquiry promptly, they will be able to make the decision to buy from you and if you treat them nicely when you are attending to them enquiries, they are happy.

A happy customer is convinced enough to pay you money for your product and services.

Make it a part of your marketing goals to be visible and available.

Adepeju Adenle

Monday 25 July 2022

Creating Unique Fashion Pieces

How do you decide on what craft or fashion piece to create? Is it based on inspiration, for the fun of it or you are in it to make money?

The key to creating unique pieces for your craft or fashion piece is to do a research into what people want to see, use and will be interested in buying.

When you create a design with the user in mind, it gets accepted easily and this will convert to sales for you. 

When next you have the urge to create new craft and fashion pieces, check out the new trends and find a spot within the new trends you can leverage on to create unique pieces.